Sunday, June 22, 2008

Operation New Stove Complete

Two more weeks to vacation !! Wendy arrives on 7 July and we are off on our big adventure on 9 July.

The Stove (Continued)

I was in the middle of a meeting when I get a call from the discount electronics store from which  I bought my tenant's new stove.  The gist of the conversation was that they were about to deliver the stove.  This would be good if I had arranged that with the tenant and the electrician.  (Note:  here in Australia stove are not plugged in but rather wired directly into the electrical system of the house).  I said that was not convenient and I would call them back.  A minute later I get another call saying that the stove needs to be delivered because it was scheduled to be delivered.  I said that was crazy as I never spoke to them about delivery.  Needless to say after the meeting I got on the phone and organised with the tenant and the electrician for delivery the next day after work.  When I called the store they were unable to say whether or not they could deliver.  I was glad to see that the stove was there when I got home the next day.  The electrician disconnected the old stove, we moved it and unpacked the new stove.   Unfortunately there was a big dent and scratch on the side of the stove.  I called the store.  There advice was for me to bring back the stove.  That was not really possible on my bike and they didn't have another stove except for the floor model anyway.  We negociated a discount on the stove.  We installed it and then the really bad thing happened.  The oven racks wouldn't fit in the stove.  After a trip to the electronics store we determined this was due to the dent.  The stove would need to be disconnected and returned.  

Long story short - the stove was returned (picked up by the store) and I organised for the stove my friend offered me a few weeks ago to be installed.  It turns out that it is a better stove and my tenant is happier.  It as a lot of hassle and I don't think I will buy anything from that shop again.

Travel back to the USA

Well apparently due to flight changes due to fuel costs my flight back to the US has been cancelled.  I am currently working with the travel agent to reschedule.  It looks as though I will be arriving earlier on Christmas eve.  When I have more definite plans, I will let you all know.

The Wood Duck

I have previously mentioned about the wood duck.  It is the award for doing the dumbest/ funniest thing at work.  Last week Dave from my department played a game of soccer at lunch.  Three of us were all in the office afterwards with all three doors open.  He says "Kris I hope you don't mind if I change my shirt".  Then as we are talking about various work related things and he says "Don't look I am changing my shorts".  Needless to say I was a tad bit surprised.  After he got the wood duck he said "at least I kept my boxers on".  It was a good laugh for us all.

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