Sunday, June 27, 2010

Volcano Circuit Carihuairazo - Chimborazo - Day 2

From Ecuador

The photos are here.

We woke to a beautiful sunrise that showed off Carihuairazo and Tunguraha. Breakfast was great. We had hot drinks, granola, yogurt, fresh fruit, bread, jam, butter, and hot drinks. After breakfast we packed up and headed out. We walked straight for 4 1/2 hours to the next campsite. The walking wasn´t particularly hard but it was long. On the way we saw llamas, horses and various birds. We saw the native Polypepeis trees (paper trees) which are not very large. In fact most of the vegetation was quite small.

We camped in a valley between Carihuairazo and Chimborazo. We were met by two new horse handlers and three new horses. The others went home.

We had worn rubber boots again today because of the extremely wet and muddy conditions. Rubber boots don´t breath well and by the time we reached camp by feet were sopping wet from sweat. They were also white. I was so glad to take off my rubber boots. I had also developed a blister.

After lunch with our boots off and changing into our regular hiking boots, Hans, Dein and I headed up to take a better look at a nearby waterfall. It turns out we went the harder way but we still had fun.

Later we returned to camp for dinner and, of course, an early night. Again my zipper broke in the night. This time I applied the technique that Raul had used and I was able to get it to stay zipped up for the night. Unfortunately, it would not go down past a certain spot. However, I was warm and that was all that mattered.

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