Friday, June 18, 2010


My trip to Riobamba was supposedly on a non-stop bus. However, it seemed to make alot of stops to me. It was a very pretty ride to Riobamba. I managed to find my way from the bus station to a hotel. Unfortuantely all the tour operators were closed. There didn´t seem to be any other travelers except toursts on a big tour bus visiting KFC. I left a message via email for one of the tour operators. She came to find me at my hotel. Unfortunately there were no trips going out that week. She was optimisitic that someone would maybe come in and books something so I could join up.

Unfortunately, that wasn´t the case. Whether is was the volcano or the World Cup there were no other travelers around and the trips had a two person minimum. The tour operator gave me some instructions to visit a nearby llama farm. I succesfully navigated my way there via the local bus system. I was given a tour in spanish. I only understood about a quarter of it but it was okay. I took some pictures of llamas and alpacos.

The next morning it was raining. I decided to head out. I took another ¨executive¨bus but again there were many stops. I arrived in Latacunga just in time to catch a bus to Quilotoa. That seemed to be fate. On the way the bus was slowed because a group of Ecuadorian cowboys were hearding some cows into town. I later learned it was for a ¨fiesta¨.

I will add some photos when I get back home.

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