Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Returning to Australia

Today is my last day in NZ. It has been an incredible trip. I have really enjoyed myself. I fly out at 7:30 am tomorrow. I will leave for the airport at 4:45am - a very early morning. I have crazy flight that goes first to Brisbane. There I clear customs and take a flight to Sydney. There I change plans and fly to Perth. A pretty roundabout way to get to Perth if you ask me but the price was better than other alternatives. In Perth I will stay the night at the Comfort Hostel and take the bus to Gero the next morning at 8:30am. I arrive in Gero at 2:30pm.

I feel a little like the Aussie guys who kayaked to NZ but didn't arrange a way back and didn't bring shoes. I have arranged a way back but I realise that I don't have sheets for my bed at home because they are in storage. It will be too hot for my sleeping bag. I will try to borrow some from a friend until I arrange to get my stuff from storage.

A very unlucky event happened to me yesterday. I went to get a snack from my food stored in the common kitchen area. My non-fridge food was not there. I realised that it must have fallen off (or been knocked off) the top of the cupboard and into the free food box. There is was promptly scavanged. I had just gone to the store to buy stuff to eat on the plane. (Cheap flight - no food provided). That was really, really bad luck. However, this morning my cold food had milk spilled on it. As I pulled it out to clean it, I saw most of my food (instant hummus, brunch bars, 2 min noodles and instant soup) in someone else's bag in the fridge. I just took it back. I felt kind of bad. However, I do think that it may have been a little obvious that my food was not being given away. What do you think?

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