Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Grand Canyon with Brody

The drive from Mesa to Jacobs Lake went well. I was amazed that there is still snow on Mt Humphreys. The section of the drive on 89A was just great. It was so beautiful at the Colorado River. Brody liked it but liked the gift shop more. I would love to come and explore this area more.

We got to Jacobs Lake around 5:00 and set up the tent. It was pretty chilly especially for Brody. He retired to tent to use his electronics very soon. He warmed up when I put a second sleeping bag over him and enjoyed his PSP until bedtime.

We were both up early the next morning but Brody didn't want to move into the cold. Eventually hot chocolate got him moving. We were on our way very early and spotted a herd of buffalo outside the North Rim Park Entrance.

Inside the park we came across a mule deer. It was not shy at all and I got a few photos. The next stop was the visitor center where we learned that the mule deer has a deadly kick. I am glad we didn't get to close to the deer. We walked along the Transept Trail and then out to Bright Angel Point.

After that we drove out to some other view points. We saw a herd of mule deer right by the road. I think we both liked Angels Window he best. Brody spotted several lizards. Unfortunately, Brody was stung by a bee on the way back. It was painful but there was no allergic reaction. We were in luck as we sat at a picnic table his mom called. We somehow had come into a very slight cell signal and I didn't even know. I think that made him feel better than anything.

From Grand Canyon with Brody

We stopped by and checked out a spring in a cliff and we also saw an ancient Indian granary on the way. Brody knew what a granary was from his spelling words which was pretty impressive. We also checked out an Indian Ruin.

On the way back we saw the buffalo again. Once at the campground we walked to the Jacob's Lake Inn for cookies and I discovered wireless internet. Yeah!!!

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