Thursday, June 25, 2009

Scenic Point and Upper Medicine Lake Hikes

Scenic Point
6.2 miles - 2350 ft elevation gain
This was a steady uphill hike on the way out.  It went by a small waterfall and wound through the trees for a short time.  However, most of the hike was exposed and I hoped I would see bears, goats or sheep on the hillside.  Unfortunately I did not but it was a beautiful hike with incredible views of Lower Medicine Lake.  As I neared the top the wind increased and it was "blowing a gale".  I was nearly knocked over in certain spots along the ridge.  I had to walk over an area of snow that dropped steeply off to the left.  I hugged the rock wall and hoped for the best.  Scenic Point itself had views to the east and the plains.  The wind was so strong that I couldn't quite make it up to the ridge facing west.

Photos here or slide show below.

Upper Medicine Lake
11.5 miles -- 400 ft elevation gain
I set out to walk around the lake and meet the ranger led walk on the other side.  I figure that walking with a group is safer in terms of the bears.  I beat them to the boat landing and enjoyed listening to the ranger speak about her experiences as a bear control ranger.  However, there were around 20 people in the group and I soon broke off and walked on my own.  I saw a huge bear print (shown below) and walked very carefully calling out often.
The views from the lake were impressive and the wildflowers along the way were incredible.  I also visited the Twin Falls which were quite nice little waterfalls.  On the way back I lost my bear bell as I climbed over an avalanche that covered a section of trail.

Full size photos here or slide show below.

1 comment:

Jabeck said...

Kris!! U look like you are having a brilliant time!! Good for you posting your adventures for us all to enjoy :) Beck Cameron