Thursday, November 22, 2007

Day 3 - Rangitito Island

First excursion - Rangitito Island

I took a ferry out to Ranitito Island. It was quick trip - only 20 minutes. Once there I climbed to the top of the volcano. I think it was about 2 miles up. On the way I visited some lava caves. I brought my (weak) flash light and was able to walk through the caves. It was pretty cool and I only bumped my head a few times. They were much bigger than the caves in Vietnam and I could always see the light at the end of the tunnel. (ha, ha).

Views from the summit were nice. There was a very large group of school kids visiting at the same time as me. When I was walking around the crater, I noticed a boy all on his own. Later I saw a man and asked him if it was his son. He said no. So when I got back to the other side, I let the school know. Then I saved them from going down the wrong path. They were pretty happy they met me. A few minutes later a woman tells me she lost her son. It turns out that the boy I saw was hers not part of the school group. I told her where I last saw him and went on my way having done my good deeds for the day.

I traveled the road less travelled and went down a different way than I came up and walked the coastal track back. I have to say that this part of the day was not that appealing. It was hot because the black rock radiates the heat. I thought it would be a pretty coastal walk but it was really alot of walking over lava fields. I am glad I did it because it kind of gave me a feel for how I will feel hiking in terms of the ongoing coughing/ asthma. That is not great but bearable.

You can catch a couple photos from the day at

Tomorrow I take the 7:30AM train south to the Tongariro National Park. I am not sure what my Internet access will be there. I will post again as soon as I can.

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