Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Haute Route Day 7 Cabane Dix to Col Roux to Barrage Dixence

The hut guy was really cool. We were able to have breakfast at whatever time. Many climbers were ipa no about before 4am. I am a early riser but not quite that early. It was nice however to be able to have breakfast early without haggling. 

I headed out and crossed a very icy snowfield. The glaciers receedvbehind me and  Lac Dix emerges in front of me. There was a raging waterfall dumping into the lake. Flowers abounded. I walked happily around the lake and bumped into Katy and Jordan. We had a bit of a catch up. After I left  them I climbed up to Col Roux. I stopped by a little hut along the way that was run on the honesty policy. You say or buy water you pay. I was amazed and delighted at this. Then I headed up to the Col. I didn't go quite all the way but I great views of the lake and many surrounding glaciers. From there I descended and walked to Barrage Dixeon. It is world highest gravity dam. I had to walk through many tunnels to get to it. At the start of the first tunnel there was a digging machine. That was a bit ominous. Some of the tunnels were so long that they had lights in them. You had to push a button for lights. The first on I didn't and I stepped in several puddles. 

After the tunnels I emerged at the dam. I chose to walk down but there was a cable car option to shorten the time  at the bottom I picked up a series of buses to get me to La Sage to continue the Haute Route traditional sequence. I bumped into Elise and Jim on the bus. 

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