Friday, July 29, 2016

Haute Route Day 11 Gruben to Gasenreid

As usual it was an early start. We came upon some of our trail friends camping site. Their tents were surrounded by cows. It was so funny 

We hiked up to a lovely pass called Augustbord. Once there a number of trail friends converged. We discussed climbing Swartzhorn peak. Only Olga and I were game. There was supposed to be a trail but much of it was scrambling over boulders and scree. There was also a little snow. Olga encouraged me and waited for me all the way. I fully credit her with my makin it to the peak. The view from there was awesome and I  so glad that I did it. 

When we got back to the pass I met a few other trail friends. Leah had continued on down the trail with the guys from Oklahoma. I walked for awhile with Peta. Then on my own until I caught up with Leah. We walked down down down. We got a few good photos from a view point overlooking the valley. 

The day was pretty warm and we were facing some pretty downhill. So we took the cable car down. This could have been free for us because they only sold tickets at the bottom. However instead of jumping off and walking away we hung around while I used the bathroom and empties my shoes thus giving the cable car guy a chance to ask Leah for a ticket. Lesson learned. 

Then we caught a bus up to Gasenreid b we were lucky to catch it because we were told it was at 5:15. Being my fathers daughter I got there early. Good thing  because the bus left at 5 and I think it was the last one for the day. 

While riding the bus we amused a local who kept laughing at us and correcting our pronunciation. 

Once we got to the hotel we weren't sure where to go. Leah walked into a room labeled matratzenlager. I told her that I thought that meant dormitory. After I heard her talking I followed her in. She was talking to someone behind the curtain. The person behind the curtain was saying something about being the only one. Leah asked if he worked there. He said "no it's Hank I'm taking a shower". Yes it was a dorm and yes this was one of our trail friends who recognized our voices and was trying to help us out. 

We then went upstairs and found the owner/manager. She didn't have our reservation. It turns out that we had a reservation at another hotel. She sorted it out for us we got a pretty sweet room. 

We went out to dinner and Hank helped us translate the menu. It was good except they charged 2.50 for a carafe of plain water. That did not impress me. 

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