Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve Hike

Disgusted with the crowds and the mentality in Queenstown I went for a hike today. I went over the top of Ben Lomond Saddle. (This is the first part of the hike I did here last time.) Then I went over the saddle and down the backside. I had fantastic views of snow capped mountains. There didn't seem to be anyone else doing this part of the trail which was nice.

The trail descended through boggy station land. At times it was poorly marked and I had to back up because I had gotten off trail. Eventually it followed the Moke and Shotover Rivers to Arthur Point.

One interesting part was walking by the Canyon Swing. I had gone there with Emma when she did it. The trail was on the other side of the river and you could see the immense drop that the participants did before they started swinging. It was quite cool.

The trail ended and I walked down to the main road. There was a pub where I had a beer before returning to Queenstown and the madness.

Here are a few photos of the trail.

Right now Queenstown makes me think of that song "Stupid Girls" by Pink. You have to listen to the words to get what kind of girls she is talking about.

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