Thursday, December 13, 2007

Queenstown to Dunedin

I spent the morning doing a bit of shopping. I located a reasonably priced pot to cook in while on the Milford Track. I also got a few family Christmas presents. I can't say what I but I found the perfect gift for my Dad [who is hard to buy for].

I boarded the bus [on time] at 3pm to go to Dunedin. I met up with Emma there and we had dinner. Then we went on to see the penguins. It was pouring down rain and we had to drive out to the Otago Peninsula. The road boarders the bay with no guard rail and is very curvy. All of us were thinking what would we do if we went off the side of the road. Emma had been told that we should go at 10pm but it was quite dark by the time we got to the Penguin viewing place. We could see them but photos were not possible because they are sensitive to bright light. They were the small blue penguins. I going to try to see some more penguins today - maybe more blues and / or yellow eyed. There is also and albatross center here. If I see my fill of penguins, I will head up to Glenarchy with Emma otherwise I will stay on.

It is pouring rain but I don't think the penguins mind.

I am considering spending Christmas on Doubtful Sound.

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