Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 12 Give it five min and the weather will change - travel to Stein

As I left the hut I noticed that there was fresh snow on the surrounding mountains. It was pretty chilly and began to snow. I warmed as I hiked uphill. The path is called the Panorama Hohenweg. It has large cairns and at various points it is constructed of large slabs of rock. As I walked the views alternated between being obscured and then showing glimpses of towering glacier covered mountains across the valley. I walked through an amazing bowl with tarns and a small lake.

I continued to a pass called Pfitscher Joch. There I crossed into Italy. There was a guy whistling a song from the Sound of Music. I said "Hey the Sound of Music". He said yes and laughed. Then he asked me if the weather was any better in Italy as he was still in Austria. I told him it was. There was a pretty lake at the pass and a hut.

This area is called the South Tirol. It used to be part of Austria until WW I. In this area both German and Italian are spoken. There has been political unrest. The hut needed tonbe rebuilt after it was destroyed by a bomb during the unrest.

At the hut they had a big heart with ribbons. Inside the hut they give you two ribbons. You tie one on the heart and the other your wrist (I put it on my back pack)

I had a break at the hut with Rudy, Frank, and Volker. I left before them. The last 1.5 hours was down into the valley. There were huge mountains with hanging glaciers to the south east. I wanted to walk towards then but another storm approached. I walked down through the forest and fields to a small village called Stein. I am staying at the Gasthof Stein. The village seems to include only farms other than thus Gasthof and the one next door.

I saw three men wearinf the traditional Tirol hats. I askes them if would be okay to take a photo of them. They said okay.

I am not sure about dinner tonight the menu is literally hard to read. I did notice that they have omlettes but they are listed under dessert. I can't seem to get a clear answer on this but an omlette sounds good

Even though I am in my third country my guide tells me that I am not yet half way to Venice.

Today was a pretty wasy day. Tomorow will be another big day.

Distance: 13km
Elevation up: 400m(1320ft)
Elevation down: 1310m (4323ft)

Photos at
This is is my track for the last seven days

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