Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Day 22 Just beat the rain on the way to Rifugio Pian Fontana

I rose early. However there was already a line for the bathroom at 5:20. I waited patiently but one guy was pacing back and forth making more noise than necessary.

I went outside and took a pretty sunrise photo. Then I walked down to Passo Duran. There were some cute donkeys across the street. I had a little road walk from there. Some kindly gentleman thought I was going the wrong way and gave me advice but my phone told me that I was going the right way.

From there I climbed up and walked in a basin with fantastic views of the surrounding mountains. I could even see back to the Marmolada with its glaciers.

From there I hiked up to another pass where an old (early 1900) army barracks is located. It was surrounded by towering cliffs. I walked down to a rifugio. It was around 11:00 but they didn't seem very happy to see me. They grudgingly sold me an very small piece of apfel strudel and gave me a package if biscuits. I dried my socks a bit and went on my way. It was a grunt of a climb from there but exceedingly beautiful. There were just amazing mountains everywhere.

The other side was also beautiful. I sat at the pass for awhile and enjoyed the beauty. Then I started down. There were lots of marmots on the way down. They were pretty skittish and didn't want to sit still while I took their photo. Go figure!

There was a sign that the trail is very steep. I am not sure what they thought someone would do at that point. Turn around and go back? There wasn't another option.

It was a steep downhill but it has become par for the course.

There was an outhouse that is only a hole in the floor behind the hut. I went inside and got the bad new. They were full up. I had called the night before but I guess that I called the wrong hut.

It may be a night if emergency accomodation.

Distance: 20 km (12 miles)
Elevation up: 1200m ( 3900ft)
Elevation down: 1300m (4200ft)

Photos at

This is is my track for the last seven days

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