Monday, July 31, 2017

Day 27 Walk to Bocca Callalta

I left the hotel and walked through town. I crossed the River Piave on a large bridge. The first bridge in that area was built by the Romans. It has been important crossing throughout the centuries. I descended from the bridge to a "path".

The beginning of the hike was a bit rough. It was raining and slippery and the trail didn't look like a trail. It was overgrown but I perservered and soon it became more "trail" like. I walked along the river which was very pretty at that time of the day. At one point I was attacked by mosquitos but I fought back with insect repellent At one junction I saw a parade of four tractors. I wondered where they were going. (Later I believe that I saw them again )

Just after that I came to a large war memorial for WWI. It was called Osteria Al Glorioso Piave. This was the final battle of WWI. The British Gordon Highlanders were essential to the victory of this battle called Vittorio Veneto. A nice man walking asked me where I was going and wished me luck.

I walked by many crops. Grapes, corn, aparagus, tomatos and things that I could not identify. There were places to buy wine from the vineyards.

I had forgotten that today is Sunday so many places were closed. The grocery store in town was closed in a small village that I walked by. I found a little cafe but it seemed to mostly sell coffee. I had an ice cream.

I walked on. It was pretty hot. I saw a father and son buying water from a machine. Later I thought that would have been a good idea to buy some. I went by what looked like an old gun emplacement and bunker. Then I came to another village. Again the grocery store was closed. There was a little cafe. They didn't seem that interested in helping me. They didn't have the first thing that I asked for. I went out on the patio and thought it over and when I went back in. They completely ignored me. Despite the lack of options I left.

I walked on. I saw many tractors (at least 10) and other farm equipment parked by an old building. There was a marquee. I think the tractor parade that I saw earlier in the morning came here. It seemed like some type if farm club. There was some historic farmequipment there as well. At least I think it was historic. There was a group of people eating under the marquee. The field next to them looked like it had just been tilled so maybe they did that too

Soon I saw another one of those water machines. I was hot and decided to check it out. It dispensed water and soda water. There seemed to be a spot for coins and credit cards. The credit card slot didn't work. I figured that you need a special card. I had pulled out all my change when someone else came to buy water. He put his card in for me. It was so nice. He wouldn't take any money. I asked him if he had children. He said yes. I gave him a quarter. He said that he didn't want it but I told him that it was from the USA and it was for his children. I figure that all kids like money from other countries. He took it. I think that he told me that he has family in the US but I can't be sure.

Then I walked on to my final destination. I walked past the Museo Soldati Della Battaglia. It was closed but looked quite impressive. Per the book it is modernist Italian Facist architecture.

Soon I came to my hotel. For a moment I thought it was going to be repeat of yesterday but a very nice man stepped out and checked me in. The room was very pretty and cooled by AC.

I had a great spinach and zuchinni pizza for dinner. Tomorrow is going to be a long hot day. However, I am hoping to see some wildlife in the wetlands

Distance: 26km (16 miles)

Photos at
This is is my track for the last seven days

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